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Net Assets
National Business Officers Association
Whose Business Is it Anyway? Diversity connections for non-teaching staff.

National Association of Independent Schools invites Jen to write about equity, inclusion, diversity, and justice in hiring.

AMLE Magazine
Jen wrote a featured piece in AMLE "It's not your imagination, kids really are different today." Adults need to know how kids navigate changing developmental timelines, shifts in athletics, the inclusion of devices, and all areas of diversity, equity, and justice

Interview with "Your Teen" TV
Your Teen TV interviewed Jen for strategies for supporting conversations after the election.

Out of the Trenches Podcast
Dana invited Jen to speak on the Out of the Trenches Podcast to share ideas for talking about equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, and belonging in schools.

LoHud Chronicles The Forum
Jen joined colleagues to facilitate a community forum at Green Meadow Waldorf School.

Jen Blogs for ChangeMaker Education
Jen blogs for ChangeMaker Education through Medium.

Jen joins the board of PAMLE

Video Celebrating First Year
See video of Jen's first year of work featuring schools, individuals and organizations.

Racing Toward Diversity Magazine
Jen's diversity work and the LEAD institute were featured in Racing Toward Diversity Magazine

Parenting With Empathy

Mildred Tassone Interviews Jen
Mildred's interview focused on Jen's diversity work and the Institute.

Start Empathy
Jen is an Ashoka ambassador, blogger and contributor to the Start Empathy Twitter Chat.

News 12 Westchester
News 12 films the Community Forum at Green Meadow Waldorf School.

LGBTQIA++ What do the letters mean and how do I support my students? Blog for AMLE

Students Need A Chance to Connect
Students Need a Chance To Connect
Supporting students' need for social interaction while physically distancing
AMLE blog series part two of three
Students Need a Chance To Connect
Supporting students' need for social interaction while physically distancing
AMLE blog series part two of three

Humannature Podcast
Focusing on diversity and justice on Hummanature podcast.

'I don't want my child feeling guilty for being white' blog for AMLE

Friends Journal
Jen's article on learning about gender and sexual orientation from the leadership of children is titled "Walk Cheerfully Over The World"

Finding Your Rhythm
Care for the teachers. Part one of three on providing care during COVID-19.
Care for the teachers. Part one of three on providing care during COVID-19.

Sidwell Friends School
SFS summarizes of Jen's workshop on microaggressions presented to the 7th and 8th grade.

Net Assets
Jen was interviewed by NBOA Net Assets about how to connect non-teaching staff with equity and belonging.

AMI/USA Journal
AMI/USA Journal
Jen was asked to write an article on inclusion, exclusion and "wonderland" helping children navigate the social landscape.
Jen was asked to write an article on inclusion, exclusion and "wonderland" helping children navigate the social landscape.

National Business Officers Association
Thank you, National Business Officers Association for including Jen's work in this important outreach.

Mindprint Learning
Jen was pleased to be asked to blog for Mindprint Learning on "Trusted Adults in Middle and High School Years"
Association Middle-Level Educators
Association Montessori
International/USA Journal
Center for Spiritual Ethical Education
DC SchoolHub
Friends Journal
Greater Olney News
Independent School Journal
Journal News LoHud
National Association of Independent Schools
Raising Race Conscious Children
Racing Toward Diversity Magazine
Start Empathy
Teaching Tolerance
Teaching While White
Third Space
Third Space with Jen Cort

Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr.
"Silence is the best friend of hate"

Soledad O'Brien
"Caring about equity is not enough, schools need a strategy"

Dr. Howard Stevenson
"The new should not be normalized"

Julie Lythcott-Haimes
"Talking privilege, race, parenting, and more"

Rosalind Wiseman and Megan Saxelby
"Discussing difficult topics around the 2020 election and COVID-19"

Jen Cort was a guest on Blooming is a Habit podcast "Prioritizing equity work in schools"

Rosetta Lee, Shari Berga, Jenifer Moore, and Liza Talusan
"Asian-Black solidarity during COVID-19"

Nic James
"Supporting the new diversity director and schools new to having diversity director"

Paul Reynolds joins brother Peter Reynolds
"Helping students feel seen and heard in the classroom"

Liza Talusan
"Self-care in equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice work"

Father Hyacinth Jemigbola, Pastor Isaac Badaraco, Mufti Farhan, and Rabbi Jaimie
"Five faith representatives discuss the commonality of love, light, and peace through our beliefs"

Penny Evins
"Systemic diversity programs"

Tim Holley
"Diversity over the years, reflecting on changes in a 35+ year career in the same school"

Elizabeth Denevi
"Let's talk white privilege"

Jeff Ransom
"Equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice in the school athletic programs"

Sherry Coleman
"Aligning diversity goals and hiring practices"

Lawrence Alexander
"Focusing on diversity in the hiring process"

Debbie Silver
"Strategies for reaching students in the classroom"

Courtney Peterson
"Aligning diversity goals and hiring practices"

Blake Kohn and Jamilla Sams
"School mentorship and the importance of schools connecting to each other"

Brendon-Jeremy Jobs
"The role of the diversity director, pt. 2"

Harpeth Hall Students
"Interviewing Jen Cort about equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice in schools"

Rodney Glasgow
"Opening the conversation episode 3 Schools engaging in the work"

Alexander Dawson Mountain School Students and Parents
"Critical conversations through the ages"
Mugging for the Camera

Jen Cort
Jen Cort 'mugs' for the camera

Rob Travieso
Sandy Spring Friends School

Bryn Mawr School

Meera Vijayann
Ashoka and Start Empathy

Evergreen Mill Elementary
Jen provided a parent and faculty workshop on cultural competency.

Jeff Ransom
Assistant Director of Athletics, Wilmington Friends School

Penny Evins
Head of St. Paul's School for Girls writes "As I work in my office on a sunny Sunday, I remember the power of what we do as relationship and community builders at SPSG. Thank you for inspiring us!"

Lauren Brownlee
Stone Ridge, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, LEAD Institute, Sandy Spring Friends School

Eight Boxes of Mugs!
Thank you to the many schools offering invitations communities this past year!

Izetta Mobley and Randolph Carter
Randolph Carter and Izetta Mobley of East Ed

Sheridan School Diversity Committee
Rachel Alexander, Courtney Peterson and Monique Miles invited Jen to speak about the importance of affinity groups in schools.

Jordan Ashby
St. Elizabeth High School "Professional development with Janet Hale working on our curriculum mapping initiative. It's time for tea with elephants."

Brooke Carroll
Brooke is the principle consultant at Acies consulting.

Lovett School
Director of Diversity, Ellice Hawkins at Lovett School

Erin Scott
Sandy Spring Friends School

David Hickson
David Hickson of Sandy Friends School

Peter Reynolds and Paul Reynolds
Peter and Paul Reynolds of FableVision

Making us happy!

Dawn Teat
Academic Advisor at Wilmington University