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Resources for schools to talk about the incident in Charlottesville.
Traditionally at this time of summer the messages from school are about the newness of the upcoming year, faculty summer professional...

Having Meaningful Conversations With Kids When the Topic Is Uncomfortable For Adults
Having Meaningful Conversations With children When the Topic Is Uncomfortable For Adults Jen Cort Consider these kinds of conversations...

Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Not A Superhero
Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Not a Superhero Martin Luther King, Jr. was not a superhero. Martin Luther King, Jr. was abundantly and...

Advice From Kids On How To Talk With Them About Racism, Religious Discrimination And Much More...
(doodle by SPSG Diversity Council Member) Recent events such as the mass shooting in California and riots in Baltimore have lead to...

Listening with Empathy: What it taught me about Homelessness And Race in America
Listening with Empathy: What it taught me about Homelessness And Race in America On a recent beautiful,sunny day I visited the corner of...

The World Would Be Better Off If We Acted More Like Toddlers
What I observed during an extended wait in the pediatrician's lobby convinced me that the world would be better off if we acted more like...
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